About Us
The Story So Far
The story so far….(apologies for those who already know but many may not)…..following the opening of The Civic Hall this remained an asset of The old Longridge Urban District Council until it merged with Ribble Valley Borough Council (RVBC) in 1974. On the 8th March 2004 Longridge Social Enterprise Company Limited (LSEC) was formed. A ‘not for profit organisation’ to serve the Longridge Community.
On 24th June 2005 LSEC were granted a sixty year lease of the Longridge Civic Hall by RVBC. This lease remains in force to this day and is on display in the Longridge Civic Hall Foyer. The lease is a full maintaining lease which delegates the burden of all maintenance on LSEC. There have been 14 people who have held official positions with the company and many more who have devoted time to helping at events, maintenance and general assistance.
WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR ALL YOUR HELP OVER THE YEARS……THANK YOU If you are able to fill gaps or offer corrections to this please feel free to comment. We would love to hear from you. In fact we would love to hear your memories of the events held.
Much needed work has already been completed to the side of the building where the facia boardings and electric cables were hanging down.
Unfortunately, however well we plan, some things hit you out of the blue. Our boiler gave up the ghost just as the cold weather set in with a costly price tag of circa £20,000 to replace.

Open every day of the week, our events range from Live Music & Comedy Nights to Clubasize, Ballroom Dancing and Weekly Markets. Have a look what we have in the diary!

Whether it is for a wedding, a birthday party, a meeting or a show we have the main hall, kitchen, bar, stage and technical staff to help your event be perfect. Book Now!

The Civic Hall has a proud heritage, opened in1973 and funded by the local community for the local community. See how you can help secure our future together.
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